- multiArgJoiner
string multiArgJoiner;
Undocumented in source.
- args
string args(TextType segments)
Given an arbitrary amount of arguments, convert each to a string
and return it as an array joined by the joiner
- log
void log(string text, string c1, string c2, ulong c3, string c4, string c5, string c6)
Logs the given string using the default context
- log
void log(TextType segments, string c1, string c2, ulong c3, string c4, string c5, string c6)
Logs using the default context an arbitrary amount of arguments
- logc
void logc(Context context, string text, string c1, string c2, ulong c3, string c4, string c5, string c6)
Logs the given string using the provided context
- error
void error(TextType segments, string c1, string c2, ulong c3, string c4, string c5, string c6)
Logs using the default context an arbitrary amount of arguments
specifically setting the context's level to ERROR
- info
void info(TextType segments, string c1, string c2, ulong c3, string c4, string c5, string c6)
Logs using the default context an arbitrary amount of arguments
specifically setting the context's level to INFO
- warn
void warn(TextType segments, string c1, string c2, ulong c3, string c4, string c5, string c6)
Logs using the default context an arbitrary amount of arguments
specifically setting the context's level to WARN
- debug_
void debug_(TextType segments, string c1, string c2, ulong c3, string c4, string c5, string c6)
Logs using the default context an arbitrary amount of arguments
specifically setting the context's level to DEBUG
- dbg
alias dbg = debug_
Undocumented in source.
- logImpl
void logImpl(string message)
Logging implementation, this is where the final
transformed text will be transferred to and finally
The default logger logs to standard output (fd 0)